Artigos Publicados
Artigos Publicados em Periódicos pelo PPGEEC
em 2023
- ALMEIDA, MARIA LEONOR SILVA; SILVA, Kleber Melo . An investigation of distance protection function applied for shunt reactors. ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
, v. 223, p. 109579, 2023.
- NOGUEIRA, WALLISSON C. ; GARCÉS NEGRETE, LINA P. ; LÓPEZ-LEZAMA, JESÚS M. . Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Distributed Generation Using Interval Power Flow. Sustainability
, v. 15, p. 5171, 2023.
- CORRÊA, HENRIQUE PIRES ; VIEIRA, FLÁVIO HENRIQUE TELES . Hybrid sensor-aided direct duty cycle control approach for maximum power point tracking in two-stage photovoltaic systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS
, v. 145, p. 108690, 2023.
- FERREIRA, MARCUS VINÍCIUS G. ; VIEIRA, FLÁVIO H. T. ; CARDOSO, ALISSON A. . Resource scheduling scheme for 5G mmWave CP-OFDM based wireless networks with delay and power allocation optimizations. ETRI JOURNAL
, v. 1, p. 1-15, 2023.
- DE SOUZA LOPES, HUDSON HENRIQUE ; COELHO ROCHA, FLÁVIO GERALDO ; TELES VIEIRA, FLÁVIO HENRIQUE . Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Resource Allocation Approach for Wireless Networks Considering Network Slicing Paradigm. Journal of Communication and Information Systems (JCIS),, v. 38, p. 21-33, 2023.
- CARNEIRO, DANIEL P. Q. ; CARDOSO, ALISSON A. ; VIEIRA, FLÁVIO H. T. . Adaptive resource allocation in 5G CP-OFDM systems using Markovian model-based reinforcement learning algorithm. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS
, v. 1, p. 1-15, 2023.
- ITIKAWA, EMERSON; VIDEIRA, HEBER SIMÕES ; SOUZA-FONDA, UYSHA DE ; PIRES, PRISCILA SOARES ; MONDIN, R. ; BORTOLETI, IVANI ; GUIMARÃES, MARIA INÊS CALIL CURY ; BUCHPIGUEL, CARLOS ALBERTO . Impact on dosimetry of occupationally exposed individuals on the patient management for PET/MRI studies: a comparison study with dosimetry on PET/CT. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF RADIATION SCIENCES, v. 11, p. 01-10, 2023.
- DE SOUZA DUTRA, MICHAEL DAVID; ALGUACIL, NATALIA . Fairness of prosumers’ incentives in residential demand response: A practical decentralized optimization approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS
, v. 148, p. 109015, 2023.
- SILVA, JOSIMAS EUGÊNIO ; NEVES, THIAGO THITO DE PAULA OLIVEIRA ; DUTRA, MICHAEL DAVID DE SOUZA ; PETEAN, GUSTAVO HENRIQUE . Gestão arquivística e administração pública: a preservação e a segurança dos documentos arquivísticos digitais. REVISTA DE GESTÃO E SECRETARIADO
, v. 14, p. 2836-2856, 2023.
- NASCIMENTO, R. S. ; SILVA, H. C. M. M. ; NEGRAO, P. H. N. ; DE SOUZA DUTRA, MICHAEL DAVID . Potencial de otimização da operação de inspeção federal agropecuária em embalagens e suportes de madeira no Aeroporto Internacional de Goiânia. REVISTA DE GESTÃO E SECRETARIADO
, v. 14, p. 3257-3280, 2023.
Artigos Publicados em Periódicos pelo PPGEEC
em 2022
- H. P. Corrêa, F. H. T. Vieira and L. P. G. Negrete, "Double Pilot Node Decentralized Voltage Control of PV Generators via Droop-Type Optimization-Free Reactive Support," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 109476-109487, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3214520.
- Barbosa, Jose Luiz F., Antonio P. Coimbra, Dan Simon, and Wesley P. Calixto. 2022. "Optimization Process Applied in the Thermal and Luminous Design of High Power LED Luminaires" Energies 15, no. 20: 7679.
- FERREIRA, MARCUS V.G. ; Vieira, Flávio H.T. ; CARDOSO, ÁLISSON A. . Power and delay optimization based uplink resource allocation for wireless networks with device-to-device communications. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS
, v. 194, p. 226-239, 2022.
- Maria Leonor Silva Almeida, Larissa Marques Peres, Kleber Melo Silva, On applying an Enhanced Generalized Alpha Plane to shunt reactor protection, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 212, 2022, 108387, ISSN 0378-7796,
- CASTRO JUNIOR, A. P. ; WAINER, G. A. ; CALIXTO, W.P. . Weighting construction by bag-of-words with similarity-learning and supervised training for classification models in court text documents. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, v. 1, p. 108987-109000, 2022.
science/article/abs/pii/ S1568494622003179?via%3Dihub
- FURRIEL, G. P. ; SILVA, BRUNNA C. R. ; COIMBRA, A. P. ; CALIXTO, W. P. . Acoustics applied in the development of equipment for precision agriculture: Coffee handling and harvesting. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, v. 198, p. 106981-14, 2022.
science/article/abs/pii/ S0168169922002988?via%3Dihub
- Faria, A.; Alvarenga, B.; Lemos, G.; Viajante, G.; Domingos, J.L.; Marra, E. Energy Efficiency and Distributed Generation: A Case Study Applied in Public Institutions of Higher Education. Energies 2022, 15, 1217.
- FRANCO, RICARDO A.P. ; CARDOSO, ÁLISSON A. ; FILHO, GILBERTO LOPES ; Vieira, Flávio H.T. . MIMO auto-regressive modeling-based generalized predictive control for grid-connected hybrid systems. COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, v. 97, p. 107636, 2022.
- SOUZA, UENDER BARBOSA DE ; ESCOLA, JOÃO PAULO LEMOS ; Brito, Leonardo da Cunha . A survey on Hilbert-Huang transform: Evolution, challenges and solutions. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING
, v. 120, p. 103292, 2022.
- SANTOS JUNIOR, JURACY LEANDRO DOS ; VIEIRA, SÍLVIO LEÃO . Controlador de campo de corrente alternada para câmara de eletroformação de vesículas unilamelares gigantes. RESEARCH, SOCIETY AND DEVELOPMENT, v. 11, p. e44711124802, 2022.
- DIAS SANTOS, JOSEPHY ; MARQUES, FREDERICO ; GARCÉS NEGRETE, LINA PAOLA ; ANDRÊA BRIGATTO, GELSON A. ; LÓPEZ-LEZAMA, JESÚS M. ; MUÑOZ-GALEANO, NICOLÁS . A Novel Solution Method for the Distribution Network Reconfiguration Problem Based on a Search Mechanism Enhancement of the Improved Harmony Search Algorithm. Energies, v. 15, p. 2083, 2022.
- SANTOS NETO, A. S. ; REIS, M. R. C. ; COIMBRA, A. P. ; SOARES, J. C. V. ; CALIXTO, W. P. . Measure of Customer Satisfaction in the Residential Electricity Distribution Service Using Structural Equation Modeling. Energies, v. 15, p. 746, 2022.
- CALIXTO, WESLEY P.; SILVA, CARLOS L. B. ; GOMES, VIVIANE M. ; REIS, MARCIO R. C. ; SILVA FILHO, ANTONIO M. ; COIMBRA, ANTONIO P. ; WAINER, GABRIEL A. . Application of the Horizontal Soil Stratification and Lateral Profiling Methods for 3D Mapping of the Soil Electrical Resistivity. Energies, v. 15, p. 2067, 2022
Artigos Publicados em Periódicos pelo PPGEEC
em 2021
- H. P. Corrêa and F. H. T. Vieira, "Explicit Two-Piece Quadratic Current–Voltage Characteristic Model for Solar Cells," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 6273-6278, Dec. 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TED.2021.3122407
- Pires Corrêa, H.; Henrique Teles Vieira, F. An Approach to Steady-State Power Transformer Modeling Considering Direct Current Resistance Test Measurements. Sensors 2021, 21, 6284.
- Tonhá, H. M., Marques, T. C., & Alvarenga, B. P. (2021). Visual Market equilibrium model for power seller multi-microgrid based on a graphic game. Conjecturas, 21(2), 18–37.
- VILELA, WELLINGTON M. ; DE ANDRADE JR, KHRISTIAN M. ; SANTOS, HUGO E. ; DE ALVARENGA, BERNARDO P. ; DE OLIVEIRA, EDUARDO S. L. ; DE PAULA, GEYVERSON T. . Novel Vector Control Approach for Switched Reluctance Machines Based on Non-Sinusoidal dq Transform. Journal Of Control Automation And Electrical Systems, v. 32, p. 1-14, 2021.
- FILHO, CELIO ; DE ALVARENGA, BERNARDO P. ; DE PAULA, GEYVERSON T. . On-Load Apparent Inductance Derivative of IPMSM: Assessment Method and Torque Estimation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS
, v. 56, p. 1-10, 2020.
- FELICIO DE SOUSA SILVA, ANDRE ; PIRES PIMENTEL, SERGIO ; MARRA, Enes Goncalves ; PINHEIRO DE ALVARENGA, BERNARDO . Design of a robust H ∞ current controller for grid-connected photovoltaic systems based on cascaded multilevel inverter. IET Renewable Power Generation
, v. 14, p. 713-724, 2020.
- MENDONÇA DE PAIVA, GABRIEL ; PIRES PIMENTEL, SERGIO ; PINHEIRO ALVARENGA, BERNARDO ; GONÇALVES MARRA, ENES ; MUSSETTA, MARCO ; LEVA, SONIA . Multiple Site Intraday Solar Irradiance Forecasting by Machine Learning Algorithms: MGGP and MLP Neural Networks. Energies
- VILELA, WELLINGTON M. ; DE ANDRADE JR, KHRISTIAN M. ; SANTOS, HUGO E. ; DE ALVARENGA, BERNARDO P. ; DE OLIVEIRA, EDUARDO S. L. ; DE PAULA, GEYVERSON T. . Novel Vector Control Approach for Switched Reluctance Machines Based on Non-Sinusoidal dq Transform. Journal Of Control Automation And Electrical Systems
, v. 32, p. 1-14, 2021.
- ALVARENGA, BERNARDO P. ; ALVES, RENATO S. ; PAULA, GEYVERSON T. ; MARRA, ENES G. ; CHABU, IVAN E. ; CARDOSO, JOSÉ R. ; MECROW, BARRIE C. ; SMITH, ALEXANDER C. . Anisotropic layer model theory applied to synchronous machine analysis. IET Electric Power Applications
, v. 1, p. 1, 2021.
- (2021) Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Panels Using Model Predictive Control and Incremental Conductance, Electric Power Components and Systems, DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2021.1970057
- Silva, A.H.F.; Magalhaes, A.S.; Bulhoes, J.S.; Wainer, G.A.; Furriel, G.P.; Calixto, W.P. Parametric Regression Applied for Determination of Electrical Parameters of Synchronous and Induction Generators Operating in Parallel on the Electrical Energy Repowering System. Energies 2021, 14, 3875.
- Ricardo Henrique Fonseca Alves, Getúlio Antero de Deus Júnior, Enes Gonçalves Marra, Rodrigo Pinto Lemos, Automatic fault classification in photovoltaic modules using Convolutional Neural Networks, Renewable Energy,Volume 179, 2021, Pages 502-516, ISSN 0960-1481,
ALVARENGA, BERNARDO P.; ALVES, RENATO S. ; PAULA, GEYVERSON T. ; MARRA, ENES G. ; CHABU, IVAN E. ; CARDOSO, JOSÉ R. ; MECROW, BARRIE C. ; SMITH, ALEXANDER C. Anisotropic layer model theory applied to synchronous machine analysis. IET Electric Power Applications, v. 14, p. 2873-2880, 2021. Link:
LOPES FILHO, GILBERTO ; FRANCO, RICARDO AUGUSTO PEREIRA ; VIEIRA, FLÁVIO HENRIQUE TELES . Maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic systems considering error minimization and power derivative. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS, v. 23, p. 15, 2021. Link:
PIRES CORRÊA, HENRIQUE; VIEIRA, FLÁVIO HENRIQUE TELES; DE ALMEIDA, MARIA LEONOR SILVA. An Upper Bound on Magnitude Error of Voltage Drop Phasors in Distribution Lines Due to Phase Transposition Assumption. ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS.
, v.49, p.1 - 12, 2021. Link:
CARDOSO, ÁLISSON ASSIS ; FERREIRA, MARCUS VINÍCIUS GONZAGA ; VIEIRA, FLÁVIO HENRIQUE TELES . Delay bound estimation for multicarrier systems considering lognormal beta traffic envelope and stochastic service curve. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, v. 32, p. 13, 2021. link:
SANTOS, M. V. ; BRIGATTO, GELSON A.A. ; GARCÉS, LINA P. . Methodology of Solution for the Distribution Network Reconfiguration Problem Based on Improved Harmony Search Algorithm. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution
, v. 14, p. 6526-6533, 2021. link:
NOGUEIRA, WALLISSON C. ; GARCÉS NEGRETE, LINA PAOLA ; LÓPEZ-LEZAMA, JESÚS M. . Interval Load Flow for Uncertainty Consideration in Power Systems Analysis. Energies
, v. 14, p. 642, 2021. link:
GAMA, L. A. ; ALMEIDA, M.L.S. ; HONORATO, T. R. ; SERPA, V. R. ; SILVA, Kleber Melo . Mathematical and experimental evaluation of an incremental differential protection function embedded in a real transmission line relay. ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
, v. 196, p. 107158, 2021. link:
LEMOS, Rodrigo Pinto; SILVA, HUGO VINICIUS LEAO E ; FLÔRES, Edna Lúcia ; KUNZLER, JONAS AUGUSTO . Mathematical Analysis and Improvement of the Maximum Spatial Eigenfilter for Direction of Arrival Estimation. JOURNAL OF MICROWAVES, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ELECTROMAGNETIC APPLICATIONS, v. 20, p. 76-91, 2021 link:
BRITO, F. M. ; CRUZ JUNIOR, G. ; FRAZZON, E. M. ; BASTO, J. P. ; ALCALA, S. G. S. . Design Approach for Additive Manufacturing in Spare Part Supply Chains. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
, v. 17, p. 757-765, 2021. link:
SOUZA, P. H. B. ; SOUZA, I. M. B. ; ALCALA, S. G. S. ; VITORINO, P. V. O. ; ROCHA, A. F. ; BARBOSA, T. M. G. A. . Video-based Photoplethysmography and Machine Learning Algorithms to Achieve Pulse Wave Velocity. International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology, v. 11, p. 7-15, 2021. link: